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 Things that work, things that don't work.

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4 posters

Posts : 15
Join date : 2008-04-08

Things that work, things that don't work. Empty
PostSubject: Things that work, things that don't work.   Things that work, things that don't work. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 08, 2008 3:26 pm

Here's a list of features we have working/partially working so you have a rough idea how far we are...

Definition of terms:
Loginserver: When you start the MS client you connect to the Loginserver, you login and select a char here
Channelserver: Actual gameplay takes place on a Channelserver
Worldserver: A world in maple is made of multiple channels, the Worldserver interconnects channels. This is possibly a concept that does not exist like this on official Maple Story servers.

+) Fully working
p)Almost working fully
-)Don't work.

+) World Selection
+) Char selection
p) Pin stuff (but disabled)
+) Char creation
+) Char deletion
-) Show chars of all worlds

+) Movement - Most movement probably works
p) Chat
) +) General Chat
) -) Whisper
) -) Party Chat
) -) Buddys
) -) Guild Chat
) -) Maple Messenger
p) Monsters
) +) Placing monsters on a map
) +) Killing monsters
) +) Exp
) +) Drops
) -) Drop owner change
) -) Drop expiration
) +) Respawns
) ) p) Special Monster Respawns (Rog, Pianus)
) p) Skills
) -) Exp distribution (Partys, multiple attackers)
p) NPCs
) p) Shops
) p) Quests (some messages in chat window missing)
) p) Normal blabla NPCs
) +) Warp NPCs
p) Players
) +) Close ranged attacks + skills
) +) Long ranged attacks + skills
) +) Magic attacks
) -) Can't see other peoples crits
) -) Attack effects (Poison/Stun/Freeze)
) -) Buffs
) ) -) Cooldowns
) -) Scrolling
) -) Fame
) -) Partyskills
) +) Leveling
) p) AP/SP distribution
) ) -) Can't add into hp/mp, have to figure out how exactly those affect maxhp/mp
p) Inventory
) +) Equip
) +) Normal Items
) +) Throwing Stars (probably works fine)
) +) Moving stuff
) +) Equipping stuff
) +) Buying stuff from npcs
) +) Selling stuff to npcs
) +) Dropping stuff to the ground
) +) Picking up stuff
) +) Pots
) -) Storage Guy
-) Reactors
-) Party Quests
p) Job advancement (1st and 2nd and 3rd job works)
+) Partys
-) Guilds
+) Saving the keymap
-) Trading
-) Cash related stuff
) -) Marriage

+) Channelserver registration
+) Loginserver registration
+) Worldwide packet broadcasting
+) Worldwide whisper

[[ EXTRA ]]

+) Gachapon Razz
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Join date : 2008-04-09
Location : you would like to knw wudnt u stalker!!

Things that work, things that don't work. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that work, things that don't work.   Things that work, things that don't work. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2008 1:36 am

good job u almost have it done im impressed

Blaze Surprised
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Join date : 2008-04-10

Things that work, things that don't work. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that work, things that don't work.   Things that work, things that don't work. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 10, 2008 2:26 am

Blaze wrote:
good job u almost have it done im impressed

Blaze Surprised

Yeah he's right you do almost have it done. Just one question. When are the drop rates gonna be working? Very Happy bounce
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Join date : 2008-04-08
Location : Behind you with a fruit knife

Things that work, things that don't work. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that work, things that don't work.   Things that work, things that don't work. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 10, 2008 2:37 pm

[L] wrote:
Blaze wrote:
good job u almost have it done im impressed

Blaze Surprised

Yeah he's right you do almost have it done. Just one question. When are the drop rates gonna be working? Very Happy bounce

Hmmmm... Ive added some "100 messos" to alot of monster cause i wasnt knowing the exact value and added alot of drop and the rate is high ._.
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Things that work, things that don't work. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that work, things that don't work.   Things that work, things that don't work. Icon_minitime

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