Here's a list of features we have working/partially working so you have a rough idea how far we are...
Definition of terms:
Loginserver: When you start the MS client you connect to the Loginserver, you login and select a char here
Channelserver: Actual gameplay takes place on a Channelserver
Worldserver: A world in maple is made of multiple channels, the Worldserver interconnects channels. This is possibly a concept that does not exist like this on official Maple Story servers.
+) Fully working
p)Almost working fully
-)Don't work.
+) World Selection
+) Char selection
p) Pin stuff (but disabled)
+) Char creation
+) Char deletion
-) Show chars of all worlds
+) Movement - Most movement probably works
p) Chat
) +) General Chat
) -) Whisper
) -) Party Chat
) -) Buddys
) -) Guild Chat
) -) Maple Messenger
p) Monsters
) +) Placing monsters on a map
) +) Killing monsters
) +) Exp
) +) Drops
) -) Drop owner change
) -) Drop expiration
) +) Respawns
) ) p) Special Monster Respawns (Rog, Pianus)
) p) Skills
) -) Exp distribution (Partys, multiple attackers)
p) NPCs
) p) Shops
) p) Quests (some messages in chat window missing)
) p) Normal blabla NPCs
) +) Warp NPCs
p) Players
) +) Close ranged attacks + skills
) +) Long ranged attacks + skills
) +) Magic attacks
) -) Can't see other peoples crits
) -) Attack effects (Poison/Stun/Freeze)
) -) Buffs
) ) -) Cooldowns
) -) Scrolling
) -) Fame
) -) Partyskills
) +) Leveling
) p) AP/SP distribution
) ) -) Can't add into hp/mp, have to figure out how exactly those affect maxhp/mp
p) Inventory
) +) Equip
) +) Normal Items
) +) Throwing Stars (probably works fine)
) +) Moving stuff
) +) Equipping stuff
) +) Buying stuff from npcs
) +) Selling stuff to npcs
) +) Dropping stuff to the ground
) +) Picking up stuff
) +) Pots
) -) Storage Guy
-) Reactors
-) Party Quests
p) Job advancement (1st and 2nd and 3rd job works)
+) Partys
-) Guilds
+) Saving the keymap
-) Trading
-) Cash related stuff
) -) Marriage
+) Channelserver registration
+) Loginserver registration
+) Worldwide packet broadcasting
+) Worldwide whisper
[[ EXTRA ]]
+) Gachapon